The Gap State School offers a broad and diverse curriculum in which academic, sporting and cultural pursuits provide a comprehensive and balanced educational environment. We enjoy a rich heritage and distinctive traditions, a reputation for quality and a focus that is firmly on the future. The Gap State School is a school community of high expectations, committed to nurturing and extending the diverse gifts and abilities of all students, and encouraging them to be the best that they can be in all that they undertake.
The intellectual, physical and social/emotional development of each individual is fostered through extension programs, specialized support programs, a structured program for social/emotional learning, a comprehensive outdoor education program, a strong student leadership initiative and a wide range of extra-curricular activities that include chess, debating, keyboarding, swimming club and an award winning choral program. Our school vision provides focus for all that we do in our school: 'Proud of our past, Realising our potential, Ready for the future'.
Enrolment Management Plan and Catchment
The Gap State School has a School Enrolment Management Plan (School EMP) in place which sets out the conditions under which students may be enrolled into The Gap State School, subject to any other requirements or limitations in the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
See Catchment Area section of this website for further details. Residential addresses and school catchment areas can be searched at
Expressions of interest for enrolment can be submitted via the online form located under the 'Enrolling at our school' tab on our website (