
Enrolling at our school


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Gap State School is an enrolment managed school. Further information on the enrolment management plan can be found under Catchment Area section of this website enrolment management plan. To establish the catchment area of an address, please go to the Department of Education catchment map and use the search functions provided.

For Prep enrolments, the Queensland Government's prep ready reckoner calculator is available to assist in determining when your child is eligible for their preparatory (Prep) year.

​Expression of Interest

Expressions of interest for enrolment at The Gap State School are accepted online. ​To submit an expression of interest and also have your email address included in the school's mailing list for Open Day and enrolment news, please complete our online form, here:

Enrolments Expression of interest tab pic to link EOI form.PNG

Out-of-Catchment Expression of Interest

Families who reside outside the school's catchment area are invited to submit an expression of interest for enrolment in Prep - Year 6.

Submitting an expression of interest does​​ not guarantee enrolment. All expressions of interest will be recorded on the school's database for potential offers of enrolment by the Principal if a suitable place is, or becomes, available.

2025 Enrolment Update - Due to current enrolment numbers, no further out of catchment offers of enrolment will be made for 2025. Enrolments will be accepted for eligible students in accordance to the enrolment management plan. 

​Current Year Enrolments

For enrolments after the first day of the school year, for families who reside in the school's catchment area, please complete the Expression of Interest online form attached to this page and contact the school office by phone to commence the enrolment process.  

Enrolment forms are available by request from the school office.

Supporting documents to be submitted with enrolment forms are:

  • current proof of residential address indicated on the enrolment form:
    • One primary source (a current lease agreement, rates notice, or unconditional contract of sale), and;
    • One secondary document – a utilities bill (e.g. electricity, gas) showing this same address and parent's / legal guardian's name;
  • current Passport and Visa if from outside Australia;
  • documentation from previous school including a recent Report Card;
  • medical and/or other applicable reports (including for Special Needs Students).
After the school's receipt of the completed enrolment forms and supporting documents, an enrolment interview will be arranged, where you will be requested to provide further documentation, including:
  • evidence of student’s date of birth (e.g. Birth Certificate) and Australian residency;
  • samples of work such as daily workbooks, which the class teacher will return following perusal.​
Enrolment enquiries during school holidays - The school office closes for the duration of Queensland school holidays, except for the last week of the Christmas holiday period. Expressions of interest submitted online during school holidays may not receive a response until the office reopens after holiday periods.

Last reviewed 27 March 2025
Last updated 27 March 2025