Student services and support programs.
Equity and Excellence (EET)
The EET Committee meets once a week to co-ordinate the student identification referral process and ensure appropriate support, assessment, intervention and communication between all stakeholders.
The EET committee is comprised of:
- Principal
- Deputy Principal
- Guidance officer
- Heads of Department -Curriculum
- Head of Special Education (HOSE)
- Support Teachers
- School Chaplain
- Speech Pathologist
- Teacher representatives
The EET meeting is chaired by the Principal who works closely with the specialists (e.g. Guidance Officer, Speech Language Pathologists and HOSES) to identify learning needs and to design appropriate programs to support and scaffold students’ learning.
Learning Support
Each sector of the school, Prep-Year 2 , Years 3-4 and Years 5-6 have a designated curriculum specialist (HOD- Curriculum) and a support teacher who work collaboratively with teachers, teacher aides and the leadership team to steer an inclusive whole school approach to student achievement. Through gathering and use of data, curriculum support and working in classrooms, the team are able to support teachers to make the appropriate adjustments for students to ensure continuous growth in their learning.