
Resource scheme


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​2025 Student Resource Scheme and Book List Information

Each year, parents/carers are ​​asked to provide the necessary class materials and resources for their child’s education. The Queensland Government supports students’ education by providing funding for:

  • Instruction, e.g. teachers

  • Facilities, e.g. buildings, amenities, furniture

  • Administration, e.g. staffing and resources to administer the operations of the school.

Funding does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use, and items used/consumed by the student in the classroom. Supply of these items is the responsibility of parents.​

"The Gap SS 2025 Book List and SRS information summary letter for parents​​" letter contains important information about the requirements and options that are available for families to purchase or provide these, to ensure your student is equipped to commence school at The Gap State School in 2025.

For 2025, class requirements are separated into three lists, provided through:

  1. Book List and
  2. Student Resource Scheme (SRS) and
  3. Additional/Personal Items - some additional items are required, as well as personal items that are not included in the Book List and Student Resource Scheme. Additional items include some that have been purchased by families already for the current year and can be reused in 2025. 
Booklists 2025
Year 1 2025 Book List and EDSCO order form
Year 2 2025 Book List and EDSCO order form
Year 3 2025 Book List and EDSCO order form
Year 4 2025 Book List and EDSCO order form
Year 5 2025 Book List and EDSCO order form

Student Resource Scheme 2025

In 2025, The Gap State School will operate a Student Resource Scheme in addition to the book list for each year level. The 2025 SRS Lists and the Book Lists for each year level are provided on this page.

The SRS is provided to parents/carers as a cost-effective alternative to purchasing additional educational requirements that have been identified by teaching staff to enhance teaching and learning, which are not funded by the government and not included in the book lists. Items such as textbook hire, subject and art consumables and online resources/subscriptions are included in the Scheme, at a fee to parents/carers and invoiced by the School. The Scheme is designed to reduce the costs to parents/carers and eliminates the need to source these resources themselves. 

Participation in the SRS is optional. Families are under no obligation to join. Student resources provided under this scheme are not funded by school grants, therefore, families who opt out of the Scheme are responsible for providing the student with the items that would have otherwise been provided by the Scheme. 

​​A SRS Participation Agreement Form​​ completed by a parent/caregiver is required for each enrolled student, indicating if they will participate in the SRS. Agreement forms are valid for the duration of enrolment with the option for families to change their participation status if preferred, by completing a new agreement form.​​​​​​​​​
Last reviewed 25 November 2024
Last updated 25 November 2024